Training Sessions on Neurodiversity (within the framework of the ERASMUS ENTENDER Project)

Universidad Nacional de Jujuy invites you to participate in the Training Sessions on Neurodiversity, within the framework of the ERASMUS ENTENDER Project. Register at:
Emotional Intelligence
Date: October 21, 2021.Presented by: Dr. Olivia López Martínez, Universidad de Murcia, Spain.
Available at:
Accessible and Inclusive e-learning
Date: October 28, 2021.Presented by: Dr. Juan Pedro Martínez Ramón, Universidad de Murcia, Spain.
Available at:
Pandemic and ICT: New challenges, new opportunities
Date: November 4, 2021.Presented by: Eng. Esp. Andrea Cándido, Universidad Nacional de Jujuy, Argentina.
Available at: