Course-workshop "Neurodiversity in university students"
As part of the Academic Training of the University of Colima, a virtual course-workshop took place: “Neurodiversity in University Students”, in which attended Principals, Pedagogic Advisors, Academic Coordinators of each level of education from this Institution.
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Winners of the "Highlighting Heroes of the Neurodiverse World" competition.
Within the framework of objective 4.3 of the ENTENDER project, a competition was held with the purpose of highlighting, through an audiovisual proposal, the life experiences and achievements of a person who is considered successful in neurodivergent conditions. The winning videos are:
Honorable mention for his personal trajectory
Participant: Jorge Alberto Arriaga BenhumeaHero: Jorge Alberto Arriaga Benhumea (Autism)
First Place
Participants: Felisa del Carmen Figueroa Flores / Helen Grecia Preciado ChávezModality: Team
Héroe: Edgar Ruelas (Asperger's Syndrome)
Second place
Participant: Kenia Silva ZúñigaModality: Individual
Hero: Benjamín Gómez (ADHD)
Third place
Participants: Mariana Valdovinos Farías / Guillermo de Jesús Aguilar SalazarModality: Team
Hero: Juan José Cabrera (ADHD)
Panel discussion: "Dialogues for comprehensive inclusion from the professional experience: challenges for the community within the autism spectrum".

As a part of the World Autism Awareness Day, which is commemorated on April 2, Universidad de Colima will hold a panel discussion entitled: "Dialogues for comprehensive inclusion from the professional experience: challenges for the community within the autism spectrum".
This panel discussion aims to respond to some topics allusive to autism, such as: experience in working with people on the autism spectrum, challenges faced by a professional in the area when working with people on the autism spectrum, social barriers faced by people within the autism spectrum, achievements that have been observed regarding the work and performance with people within the autism spectrum, and recommendations to the environments where people within the autism spectrum develop to generate a space of inclusion for their integral development.
Dr. Sarita Salgado Torres, professor and researcher at the School of Psychology, Universidad de Colima. Neuropsychologist.
Neuropsychol Cynthia Raquel García Escárpita Ferrer, part-time professor and researcher at the School of Psychology, Universidad de Colima.
B.Sc. María de Jesús Chávez Martínez, President of the Mexican Autism Foundation TATO.
⏰ 12:00
Information sheet
April 2, World Autism Awareness Day
As part of the World Autism Awareness Day, which is commemorated on April 2, the University of Colima, through the School of Psychology, has created the following informative material on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Neurodiversity Week
As part of the activity "University in mind", Universidad de Colima, within the ENTENDER project, organized a week dedicated to offer a series of lectures to raise awareness and provide information on neurodiversity.
It should be noted that these conferences were given by specialists in each topic, who are recognized professionals from Argentina and different parts of Mexico.
Learning methods for college students on the autism spectrum
Date: March 22, 2022Speaker: Dr. Rebeca Rosas Hernández
Full-time professor at Universidad del Valle de México - Campus San Luis Potosí.
Dyscalculia: when 1+1 does not equal 2
Date: March 23, 2022Speaker: MSc. Esther Alejandra Ochoa García
Master in Psychology, specialized in Neuropsychology by Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
Social Cognition in ADHD
Date: March 24, 2022Speaker: Dr. Daniel Hernández Torres
Clinical neuropsychologist (Neuropsychological assessment and intervention in neurodevelopmental disorders).
Implementation of a preclinical model of schizophrenia/autism
Date: March 25, 2022Speaker: Dr. Diego Alexander González Franco
Postdoctoral researcher at Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana.
Strategies for educational inclusion in the university
Date: March 24, 2022Speaker: BA Miriam Bidyeran
Director of Inclusion and Accessibility of the Human Rights Department at Universidad Nacional de Rosario.
Speaker: Lic. María Virginia Ferreyra
Member of the Internationalization Department at Universidad Nacional de Rosario.
Information sheet
Neurodiversity Awareness Conferences
As part of the Neurodiversity Awareness Seminars, corresponding to the "Training Cascade" (activity on WP3), Universidad de Colima has organized a series of conferences, which aim to continue with the training to raise awareness among the university community regarding neurodiversity.
First session:
Date: March 16, 2022Lectures given:
- Neurodiversity and mental health
Speaker: Dr. Mónica Odette López Barbosa - Neurodiversity and neurodiverse people: Background, concepts, and characteristics
Speaker: Psych. Cinthya Karina Baltazar Luna
Second session:
Date: March 18, 2022Lectures given:
- Neurodiversity in high school and higher education: main cognitive characteristics
Speaker: Dr. Minerva Ortiz Valladares - The process of detection, diagnosis, and approach in neurodiversity, professionals involved, and the importance of multidisciplinary work
Speaker: Neuropsychol Cynthia Raquel García Escárpita Ferrer
Third session:
Date: March 23, 2022Lectures given:
- Neurodiversity and social relationships
Speaker: Dr. Sarita Salgado Torres - Universal design, accessibility, and use of technologies for education
Speaker: Dr. Silvia Berenice Fajardo Flores
Fourth session:
Date: March 25, 2022Lectures given:
- Pedagogical adaptations for the teaching-learning process and neurodiversity
Speaker: MSc Isabel Mardueño Moreno - Neuroeducation and neurodidactics as tools for the support of university students with learning disabilities
Speaker: MSc María Fernanda Pinto González
Fifth session:
Date: March 30, 2022Lectures given:
- Neurodiversity, social-family context, and resilience
Speaker: Psychol. Marisol Baltazar Gómez - Neurodiversity, art, and culture. Actions for inclusion from art
Speaker: MSc Adriana León Arana
Sixth session:
Date: April 1, 2022Lectures given:
- Neurodiversity, sexuality, and gender.
Speaker: MSc Karla Susana Rodriguez Pizano - Neurodiversity in the workplace and guidelines for labor market integration
Speaker: Neuropsychol Alma Alexis Chapa Armenta
Information sheet
Neurodiversity in Business Meeting

The link between companies and universities represents one of the objectives to develop strategies during the period of academic training of students with neurodiversity until their incorporation into the workplace, trying to balance the different opportunities provided to neurotypical subjects in contrast to neurodivergent students, who despite having a normal IQ or above normal, do not have the same job opportunities as neurotypical subjects, and in case they do, they usually have lower wages compared to their peers, which can lead to job desertion. Due to the above, Universidad de Colima held a " Meeting with employers" on March 8, 2022.
Information sheet
Work Plan
![]() Autism Spectrum |
![]() Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity |
![]() Dyscalculia |
![]() Dyslexia |
![]() Dyspraxia |
![]() Tourette's Syndrome |