Licenciatura en Negocios Internacionales

Duración de la carrera: 8 semestres

La carrera de Licenciado en Negocios Internacionales de la Universidad de Colima, pretende dotar al estudiante de  un conjunto de teorías de negocios, económico-administrativas y financieras, así como de métodos y técnicas para el desarrollo y expansión de las empresas en el ámbito de los negocios internacionales, y  de un lenguaje conceptual indispensable en la formación de los profesionistas de esta área.

La formación de profesionistas de calidad en el área de negocios internacionales con amplio conocimiento en el manejo de transacciones internacionales que permitan proponer, desarrollar y asesorar en la toma de decisiones a las empresas nacionales en un mundo globalizado y dominado por las tecnologías de la información.
Ser un programa de excelencia, acreditado por su calidad académica y reconocido por el desempeño de sus egresados, que se destacan por su compromiso ético y profesional en los negocios internacionales.
Perfil del aspirante
  • Interés por estudiar estrategias de negociación en los ámbitos nacional e internacional para crear y/o impulsar empresas competitivas internacionalmente.
  • Interés por los problemas económicos, políticos y sociales que afectan al país y al mundo,
  • Conocimiento de las matemáticas básicas de nivel medio superior (álgebra y cálculo diferencial e integral).
  • Tener nociones sobre metodología y técnicas de investigación (búsqueda de fuentes de información).
  •  Disponibilidad para desarrollar habilidades de expresión oral y escrita (razonamiento lógico y gusto por la lectura).
  • Disponibilidad para desarrollar habilidades de análisis y síntesis (interpretar información).
  • Comprobar dominio del idioma inglés y disponibilidad para aprender otro idioma,
  • Disponibilidad para desarrollar valores de liderazgo, trabajo en equipo y superación de retos.
  • Interés por conocer otras culturas
Perfil del egresado
A partir de la estructura básica del Plan de Estudios, el egresado de la licenciatura en Negocios Internacionales de la Universidad de Colima, tendrá una consistente formación básica, que incluya un conocimiento teórico en negocios internacionales y de los procesos culturales, sociales y económicos, como factores determinantes en la concreción de los mismos.
  • Posee conocimiento amplio sobre las teorías modernas de cómo hacer negocios tanto a nivel nacional como internacional.
  • Domina teorías y técnicas administrativas que conduzcan a un mejor desempeño en la realización de negocios de las empresas.
  • Adquiere un dominio de técnicas legales, contables, de comercialización y de investigación de mercados que le permita realizar análisis de la capacidad competitiva de las empresas a nivel internacional.
  • Tiene un conocimiento amplio sobre la relación entre la cultura, economía y negocios en los distintos bloques económicos para poder diseñar estrategias de penetración en los mercados internacionales.
  • Adquiere  un conocimiento amplio de los avances de la teoría económica en lo concerniente a la internacionalización de los procesos económicos, particularmente los de la economía mexicana.
  • Obtiene una formación con suficientes planteamientos de las otras disciplinas que lo complementan, para entender la dinámica internacional de los negocios, como es derecho, mercadotecnia y finanzas.
  • Estudia la mercadotecnia y los negocios internacionales bajo su nueva modalidad el e- comercio.
  • Explica las grandes tendencias de adaptación de las empresas a ambientes competitivos en la esfera internacional.
  • Conoce los exigencias y marco regulatorio legal que condicionan el comercio internacional.
  • Explique  los procesos de internacionalización de la economía mexicana.
Actividades que realiza el egresado
  • Instrumenta estrategias de negocios en el contexto internacional para la expansión y diversificación de  exportaciones.
  • Desarrolla planes de negocios, con base en lo establecido   en materia comercial y la normatividad internacional.
  • Realiza diagnósticos, analiza y evalúa oportunidades de negocios de las empresas del sector exportador con empresas internacionales.
  • Investiga el comportamiento de mercados nacionales e internacionales, analiza precios y costos de la estructura de mercados.
  • Diseña programas de fomento para el desarrollo del comercio exterior y la creación de estrategias de comercialización tomando en cuenta los aspectos sociales, culturales políticos y económicos.
  • Analiza la estructura económica y de comercio nacional e internacional, así como de bloques económicos para diseñar estrategias de permanencia de las empresas en los diferentes mercados altamente competitivos.
  • Asesora sobre el marco legal para el establecimiento de una empresa internacional acorde al tipo y tamaño del mercado.
  • Realiza negocios vía internet.
  • Establecer logística para la realización de ferias y exposiciones nacionales e internacionales.
  • Analiza la factibilidad de nuevos productos y servicios acorde al contexto de mercado internacional y el segmento de mercado al que está dirigido.
Campo de trabajo
El Licenciado en Negocios Internacionales egresado de la Facultad de Economía de la Universidad de Colima, podrá prestar sus servicios profesionales en los siguientes sectores:
  • Empresas exportadoras e importadoras, comerciales o de servicios.
  • Empresas privadas nacionales e internacionales.
  • Consultorías comerciales.
  • Banco de Comercio Exterior (BANCOMEXT).
  • Asociaciones de productores.
  • Instituciones públicas o sector gobierno.
  • Secretarías de Fomento Económico y Secretaría de Economía.
  • Organismos multilaterales (OMC, APEC).
  • Cámaras empresariales y trabajo independiente
Estudios previos
Bachillerato terminado, preferentemente el área de las ciencias económico-administrativas.
Requisitos de ingreso
  • Presentar la documentación solicitada y el certificado o constancia de bachillerato, acreditando el promedio mínimo de 8.5.
  • Realizar el curso propedéutico en el tiempo establecido por la Institución.
  • Cubrir los aranceles correspondientes.



English Version

Mission and vision of the Economy Faculty
Mission: Integrally train professionals in economics and post-graduates in highly
competitive transpacific finances and relationships, with teachers who research cutting-edge topics in economics, finance, sustainable development, international business and economic relations in the Pacific basin through their academic bodies, centers of research and participation in national and international networks, linking their professors and graduates with the productive, social and public sectors from the practice of economic consulting


The Faculty of Economics is visualizes itself in 2025 as a highly integrated unit with: the collegial participation of its academic and administrative staff; a solid capacity and academic competitiveness supported for being a faculty with a degree of preferential qualification, PROMEP profile and membership of the SNI: consolidated academic bodies linked to national and international research networks in the public and private sectors; educational programs accredited and designed by competitions; better terminal efficiency; favorable external evaluations; physical infrastructure and adequately sufficient human resources

Evaluation process of the curriculum of LNI FE04:

The objective of this reflection exercise is to ensure the validity of the curriculum, as well as
to ensure the academic quality offered by the faculty, which also allows us to comply with the current Educational Model of the University of Colima and with the recommendations that have been made by the National Council of Accreditation of Economic Science (CONACE) and the National Center of Evaluation for Superior Education, AC (CENEVAL)

In order to systematize the process of evaluation for the academic program of the LNI, according to the current legislation of the University of Colima, the professors of the degree were able to choose and even self-propose the formulation of the the Curricular Committee (CC), an institution that has been assigned to the process of institutionalizing. Coordinated by Professor Jorge Ricardo Vasquez Sanchez, the CC, was composed by Prof. Martha Loaiza Becerra, Dr. Claudia Marcela Prado Meza, Dr. Francisco Javier Haro Navejas, Graduate Gabriela Yunuen Soto Duran, and lso collaborated with the work of the Graduate Cecilia del Carmen Velasco Alcázar.

To achieve the objective of evaluating the program efficiently, the different members of the CC coordinated the different sub-areas of knowledge within which they worked closely with the teachers who have taught or currently teach the different subjects of the program. The members of the support groups were; Professor Norma Angélica Verduzco Ceballos, Professor Juan Esteban Valdivia Ruiz, Professor Alejandro Bernal Astorga, Profesor Gustavo Adrián Carrillo Jiménez, Profesor Xiomara Clementina Rodriguez Guzman, and Dr. Jose Manuel de la Mora Cuevas

To decide on the necessity to update or restructure the curriculum (taught both in Spanish and English), a study for student satisfaction was made; different meetings were held with
the professors who teach subjects within the career (both PTC and the subject teachers); the results obtained in the EGEL-CENEVAL of the three generations that have graduated were

analyzed; an online survey was applied to graduates; Work was done with two focus groups (graduates who participated in a double-degree program and graduates who are currently working); and an analysis of the indicators was made.

Curricular Objectives

To train competent professionals who are capable of analyzing the business reality and its environment in order to detect business and investment opportunities in an international and national context; and analyze and develop expansion strategies of companies in the field of international business, leading the execution of their profession through ethical and humanistic principles and developing integrally through art, science and culture.

Graduation profile:
From the basic structure of the curriculum, the graduate of the International Business of the University of Colima, will have a basic training conscious formation, which includes theoretical and practical knowledge in international business cultural, social, and economic processes, and the determining factors in the correction of them.

Knowing to know:

● Has broad knowledge about the modern theories of how to do business both nationally and internationally
● Acquires a mastery of legal techniques, marketing, accounting, and market research
● Has a broad knowledge about the relationship between culture, economy, and business in the different economic blocks
● Acquires a broad knowledge of advances in economic theory in regard to the internationalization of economic processes, particularly those of the Mexican economy
● Possesses a formation with sufficient exposition to the other disciplines that complement it, in order to understand the international dynamics of business,such as law, marketing, and finances
● Study marketing and international business under the new modality of online commerce (e-commerce)
● Knows the requirements and the legal regulatory framework that condition international trade
● Understand the dynamics of business

Knowing to do:

● Applies theories and administrative techniques that lead to a better performance in companies realization of business
● Performs analysis of the competitive capacity of companies at a national and international level
● Designs penetration strategies in international markets
● Able to explain the tendencies of company adaptations to competitive environments in the international sphere
● Can explain the processes of internationalization of the Mexican economy
● Able to apply management skills, problem solving, and communication techniques

Knowing to Be:
● Respect other professionals in your area and other disciplines
● Work with prudence
● Conducts her/himself with ethics in the practice of his/her profession

Occupational field:

● Exporting and importing, commercial or service companies
● Creation and development of national and international private companies
● Business consultancy
● Public institutions that promote foreign commerce as bancomext
● Producer associations
● Public institutions or government sector
● Secretaries of economic promotion and secretary of economy
● Multilateral organizations (WTO, APEC, etc.)
● Corporate chambers and independent work

Admissions Profile:

● Interest in studying negotiation strategies in the national and international fields to create and / or promote internationally competitive companies.
● Interest in the economic, political, and social problems that affect the country and the world
● Knowledge of mathematics in the upper intermediate level (algebra, differential, and integral calculus)
● Have notions about methodology and research techniques (search for sources of information)
● Disposition to develop oral and written expression skills (logical reasoning and liking for reading)
● Disposition to develop analysis and synthesis skills (interpret information)
● Disposition to learn another language
● Disposition to develop values of leadership, teamwork, and overcoming challenges.
● Interest in learning about other cultures.

Graduation and Degree Requirements: Graduation Requirements:
● To accredit all the assigned classes in the study plan
● Certify the constitutional social service and professional practice, in accordance with the provisions of the corresponding regulations
● Present the general exam in the graduation of the degree
● Comply with the necessary administrative documentation requirements
● Any other requirement marked by the Schools Regulations of the University of
Colima in actuality and any other applicable institutional norm

Degree requirements:
● Hol no debt to University libraries, the campus, or other Universitary dependencies
● Have proof of termination of the constitutional service and professional practice

● Present proof of current English language level, with a minimum of 450 points of TOEFL for the option in Spanish, and a minimum of 580 points for the option in English, or an equivalent instrument that counts as international recognition
● Comply with the provisions of the selected degree modality
● Cover the corresponding duties
● Any other marked by the School Regulation of the University of Colima in actuality and applicable institutional regulations

Organization and Curriculum Structure

The duration of the degree in International Business is eight semesters, and shares a common trunk of two years (first to fourth semester) with bachelor's degrees in Economics and Finance. The proposal of the modular system by competences consists of four modules for the common trunk, and four modules of the individual degree, in addition to optional subjects that students can choose on their fifth semester; the integrated workshops make
the work of the modules flexible from the start of the career studies.

The selected teaching-learning method to operationalize the Plan of Studies of the International Business Degree is the Competency Based Approach (EBC) under a modular system. Ascends in the development of generic competences for the four semesters of the common trunk, while the specific competences will be attended from the fifth to the eighth semester. In this context, the competences that will be applied are based on the
identification of suitable performances (Tobon, 2005). which are formulated, from knowing to know (possess knowledge), know how (skills and abilities to perform the activity), know how to be (attitudes) and know how to live together (collective values).

The organization and the curricular structure under the EBC- Modular of the curriculum of the degree in International Business is made up of four training areas: Basic core, Elective, Complementary, and Elective areas. It should be noted that the core is divided into 5
sub-areas are: Business, Economics, Finance, Quantitative Methods, and Administration.

The modules have been developed to determine the philosophy of the curriculum, have the purpose of serving as integrating structures of objectives, content and learning activities around the problems belonging to the professional practices. This integration is established when the elements of competence are linked to global competence, the problematizing node and the competency units, previously proposed by the Curricular Committee and the corresponding semester academies. Each semester includes a module:

● First semester: Knowledge of the economic, financial, and business environment
● Second semester: Consumer behavior and business strategies (market and financial)
● Third Semester: Macroeconomic environment in competitive environments
● Fourth semester: Applications of international economy
● Fifth semester: Application of negotiation techniques
● Sixth semester: Application of business in international environments

● Seventh semester: Analysis of import and export companies
● Eighth semester: Applications of international business

The learning strategies for the conformation of the modules, by competences of the common trunk of the Degree in International Business are linked to the third phase of the Tuning Curriculum Project, which refers to the planning or development of learning strategies, which were selected according to the characteristics of the biannual module and the decisions of the academics of each semester. The strategies are: Problem-based learning and
Project-based learning.

The methodology to carry out the integration of a module begins with two basic aspects, the daily-weekly logic with the modular work and the systematization that contains the weekly, monthly and semesteral planning of the practical contents to review for each one of the work groups. The weekly operational logic of each module is based on the identification and description of the units of competence or learning, of the elements of competence (content) that compose it, whose structure is designed so that in a lapse of five days the student will
be able in knowing to know and know how, can discuss a problem, project or case and carry out learning activities, through the use of teaching techniques or pedagogical techniques where the professor advises in a way that is systematic. Making a specific follow-ups in the classroom to each and every one of the learning strategies designed for that purpose. Likewise, it is supported by group tutoring, with the option of individual tutoring, that is, each of the groups has two tutors. The tutor of the group that in all the chaos imparts class, is committed to approaching or reviewing the placement of students who present low academic performance, advising or channeling it with the indicated personnel. At the same time, the student community has the opportunity to choose, in case they so wish, their tutor from the group's assistants.

The degree in International Business has a total of 315.6 credits and is composed of 72 subjects. The division of the areas of training for the career allows identification that the matters of the basic nucleus are those that appear with greater weight in absolute terms as much in the total number has 41 basic core assignments, with a total of 214 credits. The area of complementary training, optional electives are those that appear with the least number of subjects and credits in the Bachelor’s degree.

The Bachelors in International Business has 14 complementary subjects, with a total of 49.6 credits, the aforementioned is due to the accreditation of university Social Service subject (from first to eighth semester), Social Service constitutional (sixth semester), Professional practice (eighth semester) and Foreign Language (first to fourth semester)

With respect to the proposal of electives, the DES-Economics is offering a total of 38 in the Bachelor of International Businesses, divided into 8 subareas: Businesses in the exterior, Research Techniques, Market Techniques, International Commerce, Entrepreneurship, Sustentable Businesses, Public sector and Languages. In the semesters of fifth to seventh grade, the student must choose an elective; one for the eighth semester and two will be chosen. The elective subjects of the fifth and seventh semester are offered simultaneously, as well as in sixth and eighth, allowing the student to have more options and choose in a

flexible way. In addition, the aspect of offering the electives in a simultaneous manner will allow the students who partake in academic mobility in the last four semesters of the career, to strengthen topics that they have not reviewed during their stay. It will be understood by flexibility of the open election of electives, although these are not part of the same thematic block.

The elective subjects that can be taught are: Cultural and Sports Activities, Ethics, Leadership, Negotiation and Conflict Resolution, Oral and Written Communication. Emotional Intelligence, and Neuro Linguistic Programming. As well as all the elective subjects of the Economy and Finance License, according to the offer of the same. In addition, it is proposed that the student can accredit the elective subjects with the language graduates (French, Italian, Chinese, etc.) offered by the Foreign Languages Department of the University of Colima. With a total of 384 hours of English during the common trunk. The languages of French and Mandarin Chinese will be taught as a Foreign Language Elective from the fifth to eighth semester of the International Business degree. The load of hours will be three hours under academic conduction and one of independent work of the student per
week, to give a total of 64 hours of teaching per semester and a total of 256 hours at the end of the career.